Riverbank Source Control Complete

Bank stabilization along a 2,000 foot segment of Lower Willamette River shoreline was performed to prevent the transport of PCB-contaminated soil. Construction on the riverbank was implemented between July and November 2015 and included excavation and disposal to prepare the bank for stabilization. Planting of over 9,000 native shrubs and trees was completed on March 25, 2016. Work was conducted under a voluntary agreement and the project was designed and permitted to protect existing site facilities and operations and so that no off-site mitigation was required.

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A Beautiful Day for Sediment Sampling

CRETE performed sediment sampling in support of permitting for pier improvements and we couldn’t have picked a better April day. CRETE negotiated the sampling scope with DNR and EPA and prepared the Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan.


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ISS Bench Testing

CRETE collected test pit samples in December to initiate bench testing for an in situ solidification project. The pre-remedial design bench testing is being performed to confirm the applicability of ISS in support of the site remedy selected in the Cleanup Action Plan. Additional bench testing is being performed to assess dewatering and solidification for intertidal sediments that are proposed to be removed. CRETE prepared the Treatability Testing Work Plan and received approval for the testing from Ecology. Treatability testing results will be available by mid-June and will be used to support the remedial design process.

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March 2015 – PCB Demolition and Remediation Complete

CRETE led the design and provided construction oversight for the demolition and PCB soil cleanup at a warehouse property for the Port of Tacoma. The design work started in November 2013 and the demolition and cleanup was performed between December 2014 and March 2015. Building demolition and disposal were performed per the recent TSCA Reinterpretation that allows disposal of PCB-contaminated building debris at a Subtitle D landfill as long as the average debris concentration is below the TSCA threshold of 50 mg/kg and compliant with the Dangerous Waste Regulations. The PCB contaminated soil cleanup was performed based on the TSCA Self-Implementing Rule under a Work Plan that was prepared by CRETE and approved by EPA. CRETE will continue to support the Port with addressing legacy chlorinated solvent and metals contamination at the property.

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May 2014 – New Office Location

Over the Memorial Day weekend CRETE moved a whole 3 blocks north to the Delmar Building. We are still within historic Pioneer Square and we now we have an improved view. Instead of looking at alleyways and dumpsters, we can see the Smith Tower and Occidental Park from our office windows. Stop by and visit us at 108 South Washington Street, Suite 300.

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December 2014 – Sediment Liability Allocation

CRETE was selected to provide technical support for sediment cleanup liability allocation for one of the largest landowners in the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site allocation area. CRETE will be working closely with both in-house and outside counsel as the allocation process continues.

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